Leaky gut syndrome is a distressing and painful condition brought on by inflammation in the walls of the intestine. Tiny particles leak from the gut into the bloodstream, causing far-reaching havoc.

Lesions on the intestinal wall may have caused the spaces between cells of the gut wall to get bigger, and undesirable elements like fungi, parasites, undigested protein, fat, waste material and other toxins make their escape out of the intestine and into the rest of the body.

The immune system gets into the action, because it must now fight the foreign substances that have jumped ship from the gut. The immune system is on alert because it sees these substances as invaders.

An immune system that must be hypervigilant for too long a time, overburdened by the toxins from a leaky gut, cannot carry out its task of patrolling the body as a whole. And the body becomes vulnerable to more illness and breakdown.

Not only do toxic substances escape, but so do nutrients. Malnutrition is an outcome of leaky gut syndrome if it is not effectively dealt with.

Abdominal bloating can occur, along with cramps and gas. As the contamination from the leaky gut spreads via the bloodstream, other seemingly unrelated symptoms crop up.

Memory loss and exhaustion as well as brand new allergies may surface. The sufferer may experience difficulty in concentrating and agitation.

Yup. From problems originating in the intestines. And it's more common than you may think.

Dietary changes can bring about improvement to leaky gut symptoms.

Determining whether you have any food allergies or sensitivities and avoiding such foods will help protect your gut from further injury. So will avoiding as many processed foods as you can.

Dairy products and gluten are often problems for people with leaky gut syndrome.

Many different plant enzymes are beneficial. Green food supplements like chlorella, barley greens, green kamut and spirulina can bring relief and healing.

The enzyme bromelain, which comes from pineapples, helps the gut digest proteins. Bromelain is also anti-inflammatory which helps healing and pain reduction.

Alkaline vegetables like carrots, celery, cucumber and spinach will soothe and heal.

Garlic and aloe vera attack fungal infections without any adverse side effects. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and also quells nausea.

All of these will go nicely into a juicer. Freshly juiced fruit and vegetables can help the healing process because digestion of these juices is easy on the beleaguered gastric system.

For a system that has not been able to eke out nourishment, freshly-made fruit and vegetable juices provide nutrients, do a little detoxifying, and soothe the raw intestines in the process.


Treatments for Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome

How to Juice for Intestinal Permeability

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