You don't have to sink into the binging, regret and heartburn that so often accompanies the holiday season. Even if you always have before.

It's possible to surround yourself with smart food choices without feeling deprived. I've had seasons of self-indulgence but I've also had seasons of walking the line digestively speaking.

I've been there. It can be done. Really.

My perspective is low carb, but you can translate this approach to whatever works best for you. In my case, the big key is to have lots of protein and vegetables nearby.

A little planning ahead can protect you from finding yourself at the mercy of carb-crazed friends and family. Then even when they wave the weighty desserts and the gooey baked goods under your nose and within arm's reach, you can hold your ground.

Fortunately, plenty of foods that are good for you are also delicious. I could be very content for long periods of time with shrimp and homemade cocktail sauce.

Turkey and ham are often staples for holiday meals. And if dairy agrees with you, you can smile upon the festive platters of assorted cheeses and veggies, maybe with a sour cream dip sprinkled with herbs.

I personally am better off with a great distance between me and any gluten or sugar, which puts a big black X over most desserts. But berries are fine for a low carber, and topping them with whipped cream is low carb decadence.

Of course, there are ways to have your cake and avoid the gluten too. Gluten-free flours are available, as are gluten-free mixes that you can bake yourself and feel both accomplished and virtuous.

For that matter, you may find gluten-free specialty shops that offer the finished product. Just like the "real" thing, minus the stomachaches and panic attacks.
Having some protein before heading to a holiday dinner will give you the advantage of starting out with steady blood sugar and a tamer appetite.

If you zero in on the meats and vegetables at that dinner, even better. You'll be better able to withstand the magnetism of any iffy dishes on the menu.

And if by chance you can't help but have a little taste -- or maybe a serving or two -- you'll still be in better shape because of your earlier strategy.

When you're teetering over the punch bowl, or leaning in the direction of the chocolate torte, remind yourself that you don't have to feel sick to your stomach or sick of yourself in the morning. Who knows? Maybe that will be enough to keep you on a higher and healthier path.

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