Jamie Oliver has traded in his "Naked Chef" kitchen for school cafeterias. He's on a campaign to get kids eating healthy.

He's had some sway with the British government in the improvement of school nutrition programs, after he focused his energies on a school in London England's Greenwich section.

He may be meeting more resistance in Huntington, West Virginia however.

Oliver is doing his best to encourage people to buy healthier foods, to stay away from soft drinks and junk food. He's hoping to influence people who are overweight to change their eating habits and drop the unhealthy pounds.

Jamie Oliver believes that education is the key to getting people to eat healthy. They need to learn what constitutes proper nutrition. Which sorts of foods they need to avoid and which ones to avoid.

"We haven't done enough in England or America about food education for 30 or 40 years. If you understand the basics of food from an early age – if you have an open-mindedness about food because you've been exposed to a lot from an early age, then it allows you to make different decisions as you grow older and have your own kids."
