Does your health or lack of it show? It's as plain as the nose on your face -- or your complexion. Your fingernails. Or your hair. Just learn how to read the signs.

Very dry skin says, you're low on essential omega-3 essential fatty acids. Fish oil, walnuts and flaxseed are good sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids.

White skin patches called vitiligo indicate low stomach acid. Food doesn't digest, macromolecules get into your bloodstream and your body attacks the "intruders". Melanocytes which pigment the skin are destroyed leaving white skin patches. To boost low stomach acid, use digestive enzymes and betaine hydrochloride.

White spots under fingernails may tell you that you need more zinc. Protein is a good source of zinc.

Extremely oily hair probably means a vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency. Add the eight B vitamins in a B complex as a supplement.

"In closing, remember that your body sends 'red flags' when something's missing from your diet. If you have any of the problems discussed above, take a positive step to fill in your nutritional 'holes' now. It's better to take care of these smaller problems before they turn into bigger health concerns down the road."