Chemicals used in food production are posing more problems than we thought. According to Donald Davis, PhD, formerly with the Biochemical Institute at the University of Texas, Austin, modern farming's selective breeding and synthetic fertilizers cause produce to synthesize and absorb less nutrients than previously.

Organic produce on the other hand, experience more stress and are compelled to produce the phytochemicals that are so important to our nutrition.

"Today's conventionally grown produce isn't as healthful as it was 30 years ago — and it's only getting worse. The decline in fruits and vegetables was first reported more than 10 years ago by English researcher Anne-Marie Mayer, PhD, who looked at the dwindling mineral concentrations of 20 UK-based crops from the 1930s to the 1980s."

Here are some things you can do to counteract this problem. Pick produce with bright colors, as this indicates greater amounts of phytochemicals. Combine some kinds of produce to increase the body's ability to absorb nutrients.

Don't be fooled by size. Smaller produce is likely to have more highly concentrated nutrients. Cook produce according to methods that will release the greatest amount of nutrients. And eat your produce within a week of purchase.