Carole Baggerly is the director of the public health promotion organization Grassroots Health. The sole focus of Grassroots Health is on vitamin D, and the epidemic of vitamin D deficiency in our day and age.

Carole Baggerly advocates using natural ways of consuming sufficient vitamin D as much as possible. But she cautions that trying to get all we need from food would mean eating fish five times a day. Supplementation can fill the gap.

(Transcribed from video interview)

Carole Baggerly:
I am Carole Baggerly, who, the director of Grassroots Health, which is a public health promotion organization working exclusively to solve the vitamin D deficiency epidemic.

Food with vitamin D, food is not fortified adequately with vitamin D to meet our current day needs. And there are a lot of people, including myself, who really look for natural ways to get whatever our body needs. If we look to food, what we find is the only foods with substantial vitamin D in them are fish, fatty fish, which might have 400 IU and you need 2000 a day. That means you have to have five servings of fish a day. That’s the part of the story that doesn’t get told.

And so salmon is good for you but it’s not going to make up for the other four servings that you don’t get everyday. So if we are going to talk about food, we need to put it in its proper context, which is like it can provide maybe 20 percent of what your body needs on a given day.

About Carole Baggerly:
Carole Baggerly is the founder and director of Grassroots Health, a non-profit organization promoting vitamin D awareness. After her own experience with breast cancer and osteoporosis, she learned the connection among these diseases and vitamin D deficiency, which triggered her role as an advocate.

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