I'd love to say I started drinking water and lemon juice because I'm such a purist. But the truth is, I was on a low carb diet and had nothing cold to drink in the summer but water.

The first taste was abysmally disappointing. In my higher carb days I was used to commercially-made lemonade, full of sweeteners. This new homemade drink tasted thin and ... unsweetened. I didn't like it one bit.

But I was sick of plain water, so I soldiered on. I'd slice a wedge of lemon, cut off the rind, remove any seeds, and squeeze the juice into my water, plopping the pulp in for good measure.

I'd drink a glass, then re-fill it leaving the lemon pulp in the glass. At the end of the day I'd eat what was left of the lemon.

I didn't like this drink. But I began to notice that despite its lackluster flavor, it quenched my thirst. And really, I couldn't remember the last time that happened.

I'd drink commercially produced lemonade, iced tea, soda or other fruit juices. They left me thirstier than I'd been before I picked them up.

So I'd drink more of them. And I'd feel it around my middle. I'd feel it in the sugar spikes and shakiness caused by this influx of glucose. And still I was thirsty.

Then along comes this pale, insipid concoction with its patent lack of glamor or zip. And drinking it makes me feel sated. Content.


While lemons have a high acid content, they have an alkaline effect on the body. Lemons flush out toxins and aid the liver and pancreas. Their vitamin C boosts the immune system. Lemons can relieve sore throats, gingivitis and canker sores.

Lemons' bioflavonoids strengthen blood vessels, and may alleviate varicose veins, bruising and bleeding gums. Their antibacterial properties fight infection, sore throats and tonsillitis. Their potassium content helps regulate blood pressure and dizziness.

I also discovered that if I strayed too far from my low carb habit, the resultant indigestion or nausea was soothed by knocking back a glass of my signature water and lemon.

Stomach pain used to be a constant in my life. When I changed my diet I encountered a new sensation -- or rather, the absence of an old sensation.

My stomach didn't hurt, possibly for the first time since I was a kid. Maybe further back than conscious memory. I'm gluten intolerant, I've discovered, but before I learned this, I'd eaten gluten all my life.

Avoiding grains took the hurt out of eating. Lemon in water pours a soothing protective coating overall.


Top 10 Health Benefits of Lemon Water


Visit Jody's website and blog at http://www.ncubator.ca and http://ncubator.ca/blogger