Guest Blog Post by Digestive Expert, Megan Groves:

Green vegetables are delicious, versatile, and chock full of vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system. Asparagus is just now coming into season, so it’s a great time to take advantage of the fresh harvest. For an additional nutritional kick, this recipe includes lemon juice for liver support, olives for a tasty source of healthy fat, and chickpeas for fiber and slow-burning fuel to get you through a busy day. Enjoy!

2 cups dried chickpeas (or about 3 to 12 oz. cans)

1 large bunch asparagus, sliced diagonally

1/2 cup green beans, cut into 1" sections

1/4 cup kalamata olives, sliced

4 cloves garlic, minced

handful of fresh, loose-leaf spinach

4 tablespoons lemon juice

6-8 tablespoons olive oil

pinch of cayenne

black pepper and salt to taste

Put the chickpeas in a pot and cover with filtered water. Let soak overnight, then drain off old water and replace with fresh, then cook until fully tender. Drain, rinse, and set aside. Slice the asparagus and green beans, then set aside. Sauté the garlic in olive oil until it turns light golden brown, about two to three minutes.

Add the asparagus and green beans and sauté until tender, about four minutes. Remove from heat.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the chickpeas and sautéed vegetables. Stir in the raw spinach, lemon juice, sliced olives, and olive oil, and season to taste with cayenne, salt, and pepper. It should be light, flavorful, and refreshing with a slight kick to get you going! Serves two to three.

Megan Groves, LMP, MAM, HHC is an expert in digestive health offering nutritional counseling, abdominal massage, and public classes. Visit for comments or consultations.

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