So Thanksgiving came ... and you blew it. You'd had such high hopes and such noble determination. You'd read a million articles to bolster your resolve.

This year you were going to show Thanksgiving who was boss. And you did.

And it wasn't you.

You may feel a bit shamefaced as you recall the extra dollops of potatoes and the all too generous pools of gravy. Scarfing down three or four hot rolls with butter, tossing back diet soda. As if the "diet" bit makes any difference when it's four glasses.

Green vegetables? Can't hear 'em, not once the carb call has illicited a response from your salivary glands and has bypassed several crucial parts of your brain. Those plants might as well be outside withering in the garden as far as you were concerned.

You may cringe when you remember being all but face down in the desserts. So many to choose from, and all of them needing ice cream to make your ruination complete. And the hot chocolate with whipped cream ... maybe a bit over the top?

Ah, the bliss. At the time. But like any addict re-discovers after they've sucked in their fill ... there is an aftermath.

Remorse. And in this case, a monster case of indigestion, and a tidal wave of acid reflux.

Not to mention, that waistband's gotten just the teensiest bit tighter. And the rest of the so-called Holiday Season stands before you like a gauntlet to be run.

You're threatened on all sides by parties, dinners, too much alcohol, and candy strewn about the house like hand grenades. Not dangerous till you pick one up but then -- watch out! If you don't handle it right (i.e., don't eat it) the consequences can be explosive.

Penance is all well and good. Guilt just makes things harder. And less likely that you'll win the next skirmish. So, dust yourself off, forgive yourself, and prepare yourself for the next month of temptation to gluttony and extravagance.

You know what you need to do. You've heard it all, every year since you were a little kid. Cut back on the processed foods. Drink lots of liquids -- and by liquids I don't mean soda or hot chocolate or alcohol. These will all pack on the pounds at a dizzying rate if reason and sanity don't step in.

Those vegetables you stampeded over on your way to the carb fest? They are your best friends. Get to know as many of them as well and as often as you can manage.

And going for a walk and getting a little exercise wouldn't be a bad thing.

Ready? Round Two of the Holiday Season has begun.

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