At long last unhealthy trans fats seem to be on their way out. They were an experiment with our collective health that failed abysmally.

It has taken awhile but now that the tide has turned away from trans fats, we are making some progress in the direction of healthier fats and oils. Fewer unhealthy trans fats are now being sold in supermarkets and restaurants. The goal is to completely remove all hydrogenated vegetable oils from our foods.

Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian of Harvard Medical School in Boston and his colleagues reported on this situation in a letter to the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine.

"Mozaffarian's group investigated what actually happened to fat levels when these mandatory or voluntary reformulations occurred to eliminate trans fats, which are formed during partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils for many deep-fried foods, bakery products, packaged snacks, margarines, and crackers."

While there are still food manufacturers and restaurants who are not prepared to throw out hyrodgenated vegetable oils as yet, the trend is toward healthier fats and oils and there is every reason to be confident that trans fat will become a regrettable thing of the past.