As a busy Mom with three young boys, I find it very difficult to put my own needs first. Taking the time to exercise is no exception. But if you want to be a good parent, you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of your children. However, it is not always that easy.

For Christmas, my husband bought me a Wii Fit Plus. I was excited to learn how this device could help me to achieve my fitness goals. The first thing to do during the set up is to hold the remote, attach the strap to your wrist and tighten. As I continued through the set up of the program, I soon realized why the attached strap was so important. As the program made its calculations and assessments, it indeed listed me as overweight and teased me for not breaking a sweat on some of the workouts Not wanting to be taunted by a machine, I had the urge to throw the remote at the tv. Good thing for that wrist strap. I do not yet know all that the Wii Fit Plus has to offer but am excited to learn more and will be happy to share what I find.

So this brings me to the three new things that I will do this week to continue with my weight loss plan:

#5 Allow myself three “treat meals” a week and disciplined eating the rest of the time. Most of the time, I try to stick with protein shakes, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean proteins (I like raw nuts, grilled chicken and fish, and turkey). The holiday season has pushed me a little “off the wagon” but I am determined to get back on. This tip comes from a friend of mine that had successful weight loss, has continued to keep it off for more than a year and looks great. She sticks with a daily healthy eating schedule but allows herself three occasions a week to splurge on special meals. I loved this idea because I didn’t feel like I was depriving myself, just saving the calories until they were worth while. I also want to point out that in order to keep from giving in to bad choices, I HAVE to eat about every three hours and it must include protein. I actually write down my scheduled meals and snacks daily so I never have to think about what to eat and allow my mind to wander to the “fat” side. If it is not written down, I don’t eat it;

#4 Continue with three workouts this week. I have a gym class on Wednesday and Friday. (I am crossing my fingers that my kids don’t get sick this week.) My first workout was today. (40 minutes on my new Wii Fit Plus.) I am proud to say that I made my work out goal last week. I did exercise three days (one being on New Year Eve Night). It was not easy but an accomplishment to know that the first week is behind me; and

#3 Limit any alcohol consumption to two days a week.

Wish me luck…. And check back on Thursday to see what is next!