Dr. Kogan wants to help women trying to lose weight, and women trying to maintain a healthy weight. She can do these things by addressing diet, lifestyle, and by running a few tests.

Testing allows Dr. Kogan to determine what kind of portions are good for a particular individual, and what kind of calorie count. Patients who have trouble with cravings may be treated with herbal supplements like Hoodia Gordonii to help reduce those cravings.

(Transcribed from video interview)

Dr. Kogan:
The way we approach weight loss for women at Doctors at Trump Place Longevity Institute is we once again look at the whole picture. We speak about the diet; we speak about the lifestyle; we conduct a metabolic test, which is the only FDA direct calorimetry test on the market today.

The test determines an exact amount of calories allowed to be consumed by that patient per day in order to lose weight, to maintain weight. It creates an opportunity for us to design a program where we can time the food intake, create the portion size, count the calories. Why is the timing very important? This has a lot to do with the way we are wired.

Why are the calories very important? This has a lot to do with how our body burns the energy. After the person gets a metabolic profile created for them, we sometimes do and sometimes do not use herbal supplements to enhance the weight loss. For people who are having issues with cravings, we use something called Hoodia Gordonii which is a naturopathic supplement used to decrease the cravings naturally. It’s a derivative of a plant growing in the desert in Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

About Dr. Svetlana Kogan, M.D.:
Dr. Svetlana Kogan, M.D., is the Founder of Doctors at Trump Place (DTP). She is board certified in internal medicine and graduated from Cornell University. She is also a member of the American Medical Association, the American Anti-Aging Academy, and a clinical researcher and patient advocate. Dr. Kogan is affiliated with Lenox Hill Hospital.

Visit Dr. Kogan at http://www.dtpdoctors.com/about.html
