Lots of things change as you get older. The higher your numbers, the more change you'll have to wrap your head around. One of the things that will require flexibility is your approach to food. As you move past age 50 and beyond, you need fewer calories and may be more prone to weight gain especially around the middle. But some nutritional needs become greater. So you need to pack more punch with less food.

1) Vitamin B12

Over 50 years of age, you need more vitamin B12 because your body is less efficient at absorbing it due to a decrease in stomach acid. You need vitamin B12 for a smooth-functioning metabolism and central nervous system. Animal food sources like eggs, dairy products, meat, poultry and shellfish are good. Vegetarian and vegan foods don't provide B12, unless they have been fortified.

2) Vitamin D

Vitamin D requirements go up with age because your skin is less effective in converting it from sunlight. As an added ripple, calcium absorption is also affected. You can increase your vitamin D intake by eating more mushrooms, egg yolks, and wild salmon. Supplements for vitamin D are also beneficial.

3) Calcium

Calcium helps to decrease bone loss which accelerates after age 50. Proper muscle and nerve function are also supported by taking enough calcium. Dark leafy greens, nuts, beans, lentils and dried figs, as well as dairy products if you can tolerate them, are good sources.

4) Probiotics

Probiotics in foods like kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut and yogurt enhance an over-50 digestive system. Supplementation can also contribute to the amount of probiotics you need.

5) Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 essential fatty acids are beneficial for your brain and your eyes, hair and skin. Your circulation is improved, muscle soreness less frequent and intense, heart disease and depression risks decrease. Inflammation risk decreases. Eat fatty fish like sardines and salmon. Eat flax seeds and walnuts.

6) Magnesium

Magnesium contributes to more than 300 body interactions. Muscle and nerve function, heart rhythm, blood pressure and blood sugar levels are normalized. Immune system is enhanced. Bones are strengthened. Risk for heart disease and stroke are decreased. Eat almonds, black beans, cashews, pumpkin, quinoa, sesame seeds, spinach and sunflower seeds.

7) Cut Alzheimer's risk

Your risk for Alzheimer's disease may go down by eating fish, fruit, leafy veggies and nuts. Green tea may also provide cognitive benefits.

8) Choose vivid colors

Be sure to include lots of colors in your produce. Broccoli, carrots, kale, spinach, squash and yams are good sources of antioxidants.

It's true that eating healthy in the second half of your life will be more of a challenge than it was in the first half. But eating older can also be eating wiser, so you might as well enjoy it. We know more about healthy eating than we ever have in the past. The availability of wide varieties of food is in its glory days. So dive into the abundance and fill your plate with food that will keep you healthy for the years ahead.


How Nutritional Needs Change as You Age. WebMD.com. Retrieved Sept. 29, 2015.

7 Ways You Should Tweak Your Diet As You Age. Health.com. Retrieved Sept. 29, 2015.

How to Adapt Your Diet as You Age. Agingcare.com. Retrieved Sept. 29, 2015.

Reviewed September 30, 2015
by Michele Blacksberg RN