In the U.S., more than 36 percent of women suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular disease includes coronary heart disease, angina and hypertension. Every year, more than 433,000 women die from cardiovascular disease, the leading killer of women in the U.S. Also, a heart attack shortens the life span of an adult by approximately 15 years.

The human heart beats more than 100,000 times per day and circulates oxygen, nutrients, hormones and immune system cells through every inch of the body.

As American Heart Month comes to an end, we are reminded to care for one of our most important organs, our heart. Medical experts recommend we adopt a healthy diet, exercise regularly and stop smoking. Here are five additional heart-healthy tips:

Do Not Take a Calcium Supplement Alone
A recent study discovered that taking a calcium supplement alone may increase your risk of heart attack. Over time, taking a calcium supplement alone can promote calcification of the arteries. To balance your calcium intake, an alternative recommendation is to take calcium (up to 600 milligrams) with magnesium (400 milligrams) and vitamin D (1,000 IU).

Visit Your Dentist Regularly
For women, visiting the dentist regularly can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 33 percent. Taking care of your teeth is vital to heart health because bacteria like P. gingivalis can enter your bloodstream, cause clots and damage vessels. Visit your dentist twice a year, floss once a day, brush twice a day and munch on an apple or carrot after a meal to scrape away plaque.

Avoid Bisphenol A (BPA)
A second study confirms people with higher levels of bisphenol A (BPA) in their urine are more likely to have heart disease than those with lower urinary BPA levels. BPA can be found in food and beverage containers. If possible, limit your exposure to BPA. Use non-plastic containers in the microwave, limit your use of canned foods and avoid drinking water or eating from number 7 plastics.

Do Not Pump Up the Volume
Constant exposure to noise pollution (higher than 70 decibels) can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Seventy decibels equals the noise of normal street traffic. A recent study found an 80 percent higher rate of death from cardiovascular disease among women who had described themselves as being sensitive to sound. Ear plugs and keeping the windows closed can easily reduce noise pollution.

Don’t Skip the Flu Shot
Along with the chills and a fever, the flu can cause inflammation in your arteries. Inflammation can potentially rupture an artery and lead to a heart attack. An early flu vaccine can increase your protection and reduce your risk of heart attack more than 50 percent.

What is your recommended heart health tip?
