A Spanish research team reported heart attacks, also known as myocardial infarction (MI), suffered in the a.m. are deadlier than those suffered during other times of the day.

According to study researcher Borja Ibanez, of the National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) in Spain, the study suggests hospitals should be well-staffed within the early morning hours to assist with heart attack patients. Ibanez said, ʺA larger staff will help ensure the patient's coronary artery is opened as soon as possible, which will lead to a better prognosis for the patient.ʺ

From 2003-2009, Ibanez and his research team gathered information from 811 heart attack patients at the Hospital Clinico San Carlos in Madrid. Patients were divided into four groups and the time they had their heart attacks:

• 6:00 a.m.-noon, 269 patients
• Noon-6 p.m., 240 patients
• 6 p.m.-midnight, 161 patients
• Midnight and 6 a.m., 141 patients

Also, between 6 a.m. and noon, researchers discovered the 269 patients had the largest infarct size (more than 20 percent). Infarct size is the level of damaging enzymes released by the body during a heart attack. The enzymes damage the heart tissue. Unfortunately, the more tissue damage a patient experiences, the worse their prognosis.

Martin Young, of the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston said, “The findings suggest those individuals (who have a heart attack between 6:00 am-noon) are also suffering from the worst amount of injury."

Ibanez added, ʺIt has been speculated, though not proven, that the body's circadian clock triggers the release of substances into the bloodstream that make the heart more prone to a heart attack at certain times of the day.ʺ

When having a heart attack, men and women experience different symptoms. Some women may experience zero symptoms while other women will experience several.

According to Dr. Lori Mosca, director of preventive cardiology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, women easily overlook or excuse subtle symptoms which can end in a heart attack, as well as many acute symptoms during a heart attack.

Here are seven symptoms in women which may mean you are having a heart attack:
• Unusual or unexplained fatigue
• Dizziness or lightheadedness
• Unexplained nausea, vomiting
• Sharp pain in the upper body, including the neck, back and jaw
• Cold sweats (not menopause related)
• Heavy pressure on the chest
• Rapid heartbeat

If you are believe you are experiencing a heart attack call 911 immediately. Also, inform the 911 operator you are experiencing symptoms of a heart attack. If possible, chew or crush a full-strength aspirin with a full glass of water. The aspirin will prevent further blood clotting.
