Reuters news service released an article yesterday citing a few studies that show a correlation between a common virus, CMV Cytomegalovirus, and high blood pressure.

The explanation of the relationship is that the virus causes inflammation in the body, but especially in the blood vessels. This inflammation process, when coupled with high fat diets, causes damage to the blood vessels and high blood pressure is one of the results. The outcome of the article is there needs to be more research to confirm these findings. The pharmaceutical companies solution is to create a vaccine for CMV.

Here is my take through naturopathic eyes. The underlying issues are chronic inflammation and poor diet habits contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease issues. Most Americas are exposed to CMV and other viruses and are not aware of it because they don’t experience symptoms. The body’s immune system responds to viruses by starting a normal inflammation process. A problem begins when our immune system systems do not stop the inflammation process. Instead they continue to produce a low level of inflammation that can damage all the cells of the body, not jusy the blood vessels.

What I recommend for patients is to support a healthy immune system that will stop the inflammation process promptly after the viral infection has been contained. This is accomplished through proper diet, exercise and stress management. Eating an appropriate whole-food diet also eliminates the high fat component that contributes to high blood pressure because it damages the blood vessels. This is a preventative approach to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. Naturopathic approaches always address several potential problems instead of recommending a different vaccine or pill for each problem.

Live Vibrantly,

Dr. Dae

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Dr. Dae's Bio:

Daemon "Dr. Dae" (pronounced Dr. Day) Jones is a Naturopathic Physician who completed her training at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is certified as a General Practitioner by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE). Dr. Dae provides tailored treatment to meet the unique needs of every individual she sees in her practice. She also provides specialized support for persons challenged by nutritional deficiencies, weight problems, hormonal and reproductive system disorders, attention deficit disorder and those experiencing chronic diseases. Dr. Dae is an adjunct faculty member for Smith Farm Center for Healing and the Arts. She is the author of Daelicious! Recipes for Vibrant Living, The Healthydaes Newsletter, and is a regularly featured writer for the Elite GoogleNews Website where she shares her personal and professional vision for living whole and living well. To learn more about Dr. Dae, her products and services, please visit her on the Web at