The diabetes drug Avandia may put those taking it in danger of heart failure, stroke and death. Two studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association concur on these findings.

" 'There is no reason for this drug to be given to patients,' said Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, and author of the first study."

In 2005, GlaxoSmithKline reported an increased risk of heart attack in diabetic patients taking the diabetes drug Avandia. The FDA did not warn the public.

Dr. John Messmer, associate professor of family and community medicine at Pennsylvania State College of Medicine hasn't given Avandia to any of his diabetic patients for some years. He had observed that many retained fluid, had raised blood pressure and greater incidence of heart failure.

Over a dozen classes of diabetes drugs other than Avandia are available to lower diabetics' blood sugar. Nissen says that Avandia offers no benefits, and recommends that diabetic patients use one of the other safer alternative treatments.