When it comes to looking out for your health, ways to minimize your risk factors for heart disease should be at the top of the list. After all, cardiovascular or heart disease is the number one killer of adults in the United States. What you may not realize is that heart disease is no longer an adult-only disease. Many of the risk factors for heart disease - obesity, lack of physical activity, and high blood pressure, for example – are on the rise in children and teens. As the number of risk factors in children continue to increase, so does the risk of developing heart disease prematurely.

While it may sound a little dramatic to worry about heart disease in children, consider the following facts:

• childhood obesity is three times higher today in 2011 than in 1963
• childhood obesity has now replaced drug abuse and smoking as the main parental concern
• obesity related conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes are on the rise in children
• overweight children are more prone to psychosocial factors such as depression, low self esteem and poor self image
• obesity rates in non-Hispanic white children are currently almost 32 percent in boys and 30 percent in girls
• obesity rates in non-Hispanic black children are almost 31 percent for boys and almost 40 percent in girls
• obesity rates in Hispanic children are alsmot 41 percent in boys and 35 percent in girls
(Overweight 1.)

At least one Finnish study found evidence of adult carotid artery intima-media thickness or IMT, in children with heart disease risk factors as young as 9 years old. The presence of IMT in these children means that the carotid artery wall is already thicker than it should be, increasing their risk of developing atherosclerosis, or plaque build-up in the arteries. The carotid artery is the main artery responsible for supplying much-needed blood and oxygen to the neck and brain. Not surprisingly, researchers also found that children with multiple risk factors for heart disease were more likely to develop premature atherosclerosis. At age 9, the risk was 37 percent, 48 percent at age 12, and by age 15, the risk of developing premature atherosclerosis increased to 56 percent. (Children 1.)

Studies like this, coupled with rising obesity rates in children, only underscore that it’s never too early to begin living a heart healthy lifestyle. Since I don’t know many 9-year-olds who sit around discussing high blood pressure or other heart disease risk factors on the playground, it’s up to parents and adults to educate them about heart healthy lifestyle choices, and ensure that they are getting enough exercise and eat a healthy diet.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children and teens need to engage in some type of physical activity for at least one hour every day. At a minimum, children and teens need to engage in aerobic activity such as walking, jogging, or running at least three times a week. However, the CDC recommended that most of their daily physical activity should be aerobic in nature. In addition, children and teens should also engage in activities which strengthen their muscles at least three times each week. Muscle strengthening activities include such things as push-ups or gymnastics. Finally, children need to engage in activities which will strengthen their bones such as jumping rope at least three times per week. (CDC 1.)

In addition to ensuring that your child gets enough physical activity, parents and adults can help prevent obesity and premature heart disease by helping children and teens make heart healthier food choices. The American Heart Association has an entire section dedicated to helping parents raise healthier children. At AHA’s Healthier Kids web page, you’ll find information about teaching garden programs, tips to make a heart healthier home, ideas for ways to get children up and moving, and activities to engage your child in heart healthy lifestyle choices. For more information, visit Healthier Kids at http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/HealthierKids/Healthier-Kids_UCM_304156_SubHomePage.jsp

Helping your child live a heart healthy lifestyle can’t occur in a vacuum. To live heart friendly, children need support from parents and other adults in their lives. This not only means things like limiting TV time or kicking them off the video games, but planning meals that are heart friendly, teaching them how to manage portions when not with you – and why they should do so, but also modeling heart healthy lifestyle behaviors to them. Despite the dismal statistics, heart disease still remains one of the most treatable – and more importantly, preventable – conditions. Premature heart disease and a shortened, unhealthy life do not have to be the future for our children.


Overweight in Children, 29 Mar 2011, American Heart Association, http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/Overweight-in-Children_UCM_304054_Article.jsp

Children with heart disease risk factors have high risk for atherosclerosis as adults,
American Heart Association Rapid Access Journal Report, 29 Nov 2010, http://www.newsroom.heart.org/index.php?s=43&item=1207

How much physical activity do children need, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/everyone/guidelines/index.html

Reviewed June 8, 2011
Edited by Alison Stanton