Larry Scherwitz, PhD, has specialized in mind-body research and lifestyle. He has studied these areas and how they can help protect against heart disease and obesity and even reverse them. He has utilized what he's learned with his programs for his patients with heart disease.

Dr. Scherwitz has great respect for the value of essential fatty acids in the diet and discusses these essential fatty acids and how they contribute to a woman's heart health.

Dr. Scherwitz:
Good fats are the essential fatty acids, omega-3s, omega-6, omega-9 and you can get these from nuts and flaxseed, from fish oil and if you are taking fish oil supplements, they’re great, particularly that’s pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplements. You can get it from fish in cold water, salt water, high-fat fish like salmon and mackerel.

About Dr. Scherwitz, Ph.D.:
Larry W. Scherwitz, PhD, is a leader in the field of behavioral medicine research with 25 years experience in developing and testing approaches to managing chronic disease with lifestyle changes. Dr. Scherwitz has been on the faculty of various medical institutions including Baylor College of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco, California Pacific Medical Center, and the Preventive Medicine Research Institute. He worked at the research director with Dr. Dean Ornish to demonstrate that it is possible to reverse coronaryheart disease with lifestyle changes including diet, exercise, stress management and social support. Dr. Scherwitz’ is often a keynote speaker at conferences and has published his research discoveries in an array of prestigious medical journals, including the Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet, and Psychosomatic Medicine. Presently, Larry and his wife Deborah Kesten, MPH have a coaching practice to help clients lose weight as well as prevent, halt, and reverse heart disease. Larry also consults with clients to help them design studies to evaluate the efficacy of complementary and alternative practices.

Visit Dr. Scherwitz at his website
