Laviza says, “Hi, you mentioned baby aspirin on Dr. Oz’s feedback to his video; do you take this and why?”.

Hi Laviza!

There are many cardiovascular benefits to baby aspirin. It is unclear when to start taking it, but many doctors advocate men start at age 40, especially if there is a family history of heart disease.

I am curious to know Dr. Oz’s thoughts, as he is a cardiovascular surgeon and recommends discussing it with your doctor, even for women in their 40s. Click for Dr. Oz’s supplement advice:

Recent data showed that it is beneficial for younger women (before they thought only around age 65), but the risk of GI bleeding is real, so we really don’t know when to start. I thought it would be a good topic for Dr. Oz to discuss.

Click here for a pretty good overview of aspirin therapy:

Thanks for asking!
Dr. Deb