I used to tell people that I was shaped like a triangle – small (at the bust) – medium (at the waist) and large (at the hips). My father, in all the well-meaning, kindness that only a daddy can give, used to tell me that I’d be glad for those wide, heavy hips when it came time for childbirth. Somehow, this was not exactly that boost that my 13-year old ego was looking for!

I’ve always wondered what these hips were good for besides childbirth and making it almost impossible to find a pair jeans that fit properly. (You know the drill – if the hips fit, there was a good 5 inch gap in the waistband!) Science has finally caught up and it now appears as if these heavy hips and thunder thighs may just be good for our heart!

Most of us have heard that carrying our weight in our tummies is not good for our heart health. While there are some differences between different ethnicities, a waist measurement for a woman of more than 35 inches is considered to be a risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease. Research now indicates that your waist-to-hip-relationship-measurement may be a more accurate representation of your risk for developing cardiovascular disease than waist measurement alone.

According to the research, the bigger your waist is in relationship to your hips, the greater your risk is for developing heart disease. One 2007 study reported that men who had higher waist/hip rations were at a 55% greater risk for developing cardiovascular disease than were their counterparts with a lower waist/hip ratio. Fifty-five percent sounded fairly high to me! At least, it sounded high until I read the numbers for women. Women with the highest waist/hip ratios were found to be 91% (yes, ladies, you heard me correctly on that one!) more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than their counter-parts with a lower waist/hip ratio. All I can say to that is OUCH!

The target ranges for the waist/hip measurements are as follows:

Low risk: 0.80 or below
Moderate risk: 0.81 – 0.85
High risk: above 0.85

Low risk: 0.95 or below
Moderate risk: 0.96 – 1
High risk: above 1

In order to calculate my waist/hip ratio, I used the following online calculator.
Waist-to-Hip-Ratio Calculator: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/waist-to-hip-ratio-calculator/. The ratio may also be calculated by dividing your waist measure by your hip measurement (in inches).

I calculated my waist/hip ration and I predict a few more tummy crunches are in my future!

Until next time, here’s wishing you a healthy heart.

(Disclaimer: I am not a physician and nothing in this article should be construed as giving medical advice. As with any medical decision, please consult your physician.)

Deborah Kotz, CT Heart Scan Risks: 7 Better Ways to Screen for Heart Disease, 03 Feb 2009, US News, http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/heart/2009/02/03/ct-heart-scan-risks-7-better-ways-to-screen-for-heart-disease.html?PageNr=2

Waist-to-Hip-Ratio Calculator: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/waist-to-hip-ratio-calculator/

Waist-to-Hip Ratio Chart: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/waist-to-hip-ratio-calculator/waist-to-hip-ratio-chart.php

Heart and Stroke Foundation HEALTHY Waists, Heart and Stroke Foundation, February, 2009,