Ayurveda is thousands of years old, its origins dating back to monks in India seeking ways of living in health.

"Revering their bodies like temples, the monks believed that preserving their health would help them meditate and develop spiritually. Over thousands of years of observations, they gathered all their conclusions and advice and preserved it for future generations. This collection of knowledge came to be known as the 'science or knowledge of life' -- Ayurveda."

Ayurveda treats each person as unique. The goal is prevention, and maintenance of good physical and emotional health. Food and lifestyle are its most important tools.

Ayurveda perceives three doshas -- Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha. Doshas are energies within the individual, each performing particular physiological functions.

Vata Dosha controls functions that are linked with motion like blood circulation and heart beat, breathing and blinking. Pitta Dosha controls metabolism, involving digestion, nutrition, absorption and temperature. Kapha Dosha controls growth and provides water to the body, moisturizing the skin and regulating the immune system.
