Dr. Tieraona Low Dog has had a stellar medical career over this past quarter of a century, in natural medicine, in midwifery and massage therapy and as an herbalist, just to name a few areas.

Dr. Low Dog knows that calcium is on many women's minds. There has been some confusion though as to what form of calcium is best for women to take.

Dr. Low Dog is glad to give us her best recommendations.

Transcribed from video interview

Dr. Low Dog:
Well probably calcium citrate is best for most women because calcium citrate is non-constipating; it’s easily absorbed; you don’t have to take it with food. So I would say, if you had to pick one, calcium citrate is probably best. Calcium carbonate is less expensive; it’s what’s in a lot of the multivitamins as well. Calcium carbonate can be very constipating and you need to take it with food to absorb it well, so it has some, you know, advantage because it’s less expensive it has some disadvantages.

If the calcium continues to cause constipation just take it with some magnesium. You can buy calcium, magnesium and vitamin D all in one pill and the magnesium acts as a, it also helps the absorption of calcium, but it acts as a mild laxative to sort of counteract that constipating effect and many older women have a real problem with calcium because of that.

About Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.:
Dr. Tieraona Low Dog’s extensive career in studying natural medicine began more than twenty-five years ago. She studied midwifery, massage therapy, and was a highly respected herbalist, serving as President of the American Herbalist Guild and running a teaching clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico before receive her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. She currently serves as the Director of the Fellowship at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.

Visit Dr. Low Dog at http://www.drlowdog.com
