Candida infections appear to be proliferating these days. "Environmental factors as well as lifestyle factors such as diet which are a consequence of modern, or more particularly western way of life, are seen as being contributing factors here."

Sometimes treatment by conventional medicine will clear up a candida infection and sometimes it won't. Difficulties arise when the bacteria turns out to be resistant to the antibiotics or anti-fungal treatments being used. In such cases, the antibiotic or anti-fungal treatment of conventional medicine not only isn't helping, it is actually hurting.

This is because while it's not successfully wiping out the unhealthy bacteria, it is killing good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Definitely a Lose - Lose scenario.

However, a candida infection can be thwarted by some natural remedies which have no hazardous side effects. Garlic has antifungal properties. Eat garlic or take a supplement containing allicin which is garlic's active ingredient.

Cayenne pepper can be added to the diet. Use cayenne pepper in your cooking or sprinkle it on food. Horopito Aniseed has antifungal properties. Pau D'Arco tree can be used in a douche or can be steeped as a tea.