Dr. Svetlana Kogan is board certified in internal medicine and a clinical researcher and patient advocate. She speaks here on the subject of chronic fatigue syndrome.

A comprehensive medical workup is necessary since a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome can cover so much territory. Dr. Kogan recommends a blood workup, looking for particular diseases and for vitamin deficiencies, heavy metal toxicities, or signs of viral illness. For those who need chelation therapy, it is available.

Dr. Kogan:
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a very interesting and tricky disease to treat. We have so many different possibilities underlying this broad diagnosis. Patient should receive a very thorough medical workup. Blood workup is especially important not to overlook lupus, not to overlook Lyme disease, not to overlook certain vitamin deficiencies or heavy metal toxicities.

Chronic fatigue syndrome should be a diagnosis of exclusion, once we have excluded all the other medical reasons for this person feeling so badly fatigued, and it should be treated as such. Most people tend to think that chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by a virus, whether it’s a cytomegalovirus or Epstein-Barr virus, the scientific community is still undecided as to what virus is causing it, and depending on where we think the problem is, we tackle the problem from that angle.

For people who are vitamin deficient, we supplement them with appropriate vitamins. For people who are experiencing heavy metal toxicity, we administer chelation therapy. We do not administer intravenous chelation therapy here; it’s done orally and through the water detoxification, and once again, for people who are experiencing a likely viral syndrome, we are utilizing immune-boosting supplements.

About Dr. Svetlana Kogan, M.D.:
Dr. Svetlana Kogan, M.D., is the Founder of Doctors at Trump Place (DTP). She is board certified in internal medicine and graduated from Cornell University. She is also a member of the American Medical Association, the American Anti-Aging Academy, and a clinical researcher and patient advocate. Dr. Kogan is affiliated with Lenox Hill Hospital.

Visit Dr. Kogan at http://www.dtpdoctors.com/about.html
