Cinda Crawford advises any and all with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, to pace themselves. This is excellent advice. As it happens I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome myself, and one of the handful of things that has been of serious help to me, is pacing.

Cinda says, "Pacing is a skill which can be learned such as:

"1) Taking needed rest periods
"2) Learning the pace at which to eat your meals
"3) Even learning when and where to say, 'No,' and not feeling guilty about it."

Many of us with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can fall into an unhealthy pattern without realizing it. Being chronically ill, many of us have far more bad days than good days ... or weeks or months ... or years ...

When we are feeling particularly good, the natural thing is to take advantage of it and get as much done as possible, whether obligations or pleasures. This can set us up for a bad setback that can drag on for days ... weeks ... months ... years.

Pacing is not a magic panacea. But conserving some of the energy of a good day by resting can gradually bring some soundness onto the scene.