Grape seed extract contains proanthocyanidin (OPC) which is a significant antioxidant in the prevention of "blood sludge", thus lessening the risk of heart attack and stroke. OPC's outperform aspirin in preventing abnormal blood clotting.

OPC's that are derivatives of pine bark can also be found under the name "Pycnogenol". Pycnogel, OPC's and grape seed extract are terms that are used interchangeably.

"Pycnogenol® benefits the cardiovascular system by decreasing inflammation and improving blood viscosity in both normal and diabetic subjects. These effects can be especially important to diabetics. New research shows that OPC’s have even more benefits for diabetics by helping to lower blood sugar levels and improving microcirculation."

Pycnogel decreases inflammation of the cardiovascular system. It improves blood viscosity. OPC's reduce blood sugar levels and improve microcirculation. Each of these traits make OPC's valuable to diabetics.

OPC may be instrumental in cancer prevention and cancer treatment. Children with asthma have been able to decrease asthma medications. Blood vessels may be strengthened, collagen increased, which can prevent varicose veins.