Having trouble falling asleep? Want to avoid taking over the counter drugs and prescriptions? Melatonin is a gentle alternative that just may help you get to sleep.

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that is very involved with your sleep/wake cycle. Melatonin levels are low during the day, when there is plenty of light. They rise as it gets dark.

Melatonin is not habit forming nor does it disrupt sleep patterns. It has no adverse side effects. You may fall asleep a bit sooner, you may sleep a bit more soundly, and you may sleep a bit longer, than before taking the hormone.

"As a physician specializing in holistic medicine, I try to educate my patients on what supplements are safe and effective, as well as which ones are worthless and possibly dangerous. For people looking for a natural alternative for insomnia, melatonin appears to be a good choice to help them get a good night’s rest."
