Eva Caballé is an economist from Spain who has Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). May is MCS Awareness Month, and with that in mind, Eva would like to explain some things about this condition.

MCS is an acquired chronic illness which causes severe reactions to any exposure to toxic chemicals, including things many of us take for granted like air fresheners, laundry products and perfumes.

Some people with MCS have mild symptoms, while others can become incapacitated by exposure to toxic chemicals. As more and more chemicals are being used in our environment, more and more people are falling prey to MCS.

"If you start noticing unbearable chemicals which you did not notice before or you stop tolerating alcohol or some food, you may be developing MCS. If a perfume gives you headache, if some chemicals give you dizziness or nausea, you may be part of the 12% of people who have chemical sensitivities in a mild degree."
