Reflexology foot massage is a non-invasive therapy where the practitioner applies pressure to different parts of the feet to stimulate internal organs. The Chinese were the first to use reflexology after discovering that nerves in the foot connect to internal organs. They found that pressure on nerve endings in the feet affected these organs.

Reflexology foot massage can cure many health problems such as headaches, sleep disorders, asthma, sinusitis. Blood circulation is improved and function of the immune system and the lymph system are enhanced. Pain and stiffness from injuries, exercise or bad posture can be relieved by reflexology.

"If extreme pain or discomfort is felt when pressure is applied to areas on the foot, it helps the therapist determine the cause of the problem even if there are no other symptoms that present itself. It is recommended for anyone, from children to seniors, as a safe, holistic method of treatment."

Be sure to drink plenty of water after a session of reflexology to help eliminate toxins.