Reiki is a stress-reduction therapy that works with your own life force. Reiki has been around since 1922 when it was developed in Japan. It is believed that Reiki works by enabling the body to heal itself.

There's no physical contact in Reiki. This is not like chiropractic or massage. The practitioner's hands will hover about a foot away from you without making any physical contact.

There may be music playing quietly in the background, and you may find yourself with eyes closed during the session, in a state of relaxation. You'll be lying on your back, fully clothed, possibly with one pillow under your head and another pillow under your knees for comfort, and perhaps a blanket over you. A session with a practitioner may last for an hour.

"In Reiki, you simply allow a person’s energy flow to work its own healing magic. I wondered if this related to how we approach life in general. Oftentimes, we try to force every answer, find every road, and know the solution. But maybe, when you’re present and relaxed, things can actually go your way?! Answers find you."