
Hyperthyroidism is characterized by anxiety or panic attacks, hypertension, sweating, weight loss, rapid pulse, bulging eyes, insomnia, increased appetite, diarrhea and muscle weakness. It is caused by the effects of too much thyroid hormone on tissues in the body and increases metabolism. Thyroid hormones T4 and T3 that control the processes of the body are excessively produced by the thyroid gland and damage the cell functions.

Hyperthyroidism usually starts slowly. There are different kinds of hyperthyroidism as with hypothyroidism. They include:

1. Grave's Disease - most common type of hyperthyroidism and symptomized by bulging eyes and swelling of the neck or enlarged thyroid gland which is also known as Goiter.
2. Toxic Thyroid Adenoma - is the result of low levels of iodine
3. Toxic Multinodular goitre - is caused by high levels of thyroid hormones due to inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Treatment for the hyperthyroidism usually includes temporary suppressive thyrostatic or antithyroid medications. Radio active iodine, beta blockers are usually used for hyperthyroidism. In severe cases a surgery or radioisotopic therapy is recommended.

Sometimes hyperthyroidism leads to lymphocystic hypothyroidism which is more common after pregnancy in women. It usually becomes normal but in some cases leads to permenant hypothyroidism. Treatment to cure hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine medications may also lead to hypothyroidism. Surgeries to remove thyroid gland for hyperthyroidism also lead to hypothyroidism.

Foods recommended for hyperthyroidism are high fiber foods such as broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts, kale, turnips, soybeans, herbal teas. Foods that should be taken less include dairy, salt, pickles, chips, sodas, coffee, tea.

Supplements include Calcium, Magnesium, Multivitamins, 1000 mg of Vitamin C and Vitamin B. Hyperthyroidism is as serious as hypothyroidism and should be treated with equal care and consideration. Stress levels play an important role in the control of this condition as with diabetes, hypothyroidism or hypertension. With proper use of medications, exercise and the right diet this condition is easily manageable in many people because, 'OUR LIFE MATTERS'