Emotional pressures and stress can level a couple who is struggling with infertility. When they have become narrowly and intensely focused on their inability to conceive, they often find that their overall relationship will suffer.

Their sex life can become highly pressurized drudgery. They may obsess over what they feel they're missing due to their inability to conceive--having a baby.

Despite all of the other good and positive aspects in their lives, they may feel compelled to dwell solely on what they don't have. They may feel like they are helpless victims of their circumstances.

Working with a mental health professional can help such a couple find their way back to each other. The couple learns how to reduce and deal with the pressures and open up to a new and greater appreciation of other aspects of their lives together.

According to the theory of mind-body connection, physical health is inextricably connected with emotional and mental health. The ongoing stress experienced by couples in despair over their inability to have children can cause infertility factors to become more entrenched.

Each of us has an ongoing inner dialogue which causes a multitude of chemical, hormonal, neurological and muscular changes. One of these changes can be the disruption of the reproductive system.

When we're upset or tense or otherwise perturbed too often and for too long, our adrenaline and cortisol levels can get too high. This can put our hormones estrogen, progesterone and thyroid out of balance.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) will not be released in a normal fashion. Menstruation cycles and ovulation can become irregular. Ovulation can stop completely. This is called anovulation.

A man can also be greatly affected by stressors which can result in a lowered libido and impotency.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments for infertility have seen some successful outcomes. The goal of TCM is to bring the body into balance.

Things may take a bit longer than some western treatments, as with treatment of a disturbed ovarian cycle, which can take 90 days to regenerate.

Stress with its physiological and emotional effects can be reduced by guided imagery, meditation, proper breathing and relaxation techniques.

A study done at Harvard Medical School seems to indicate that partners who become better at handling emotional pressures may also experience improved fertility. When emotional stress has become resolved and manageable again, pregnancy is more likely to strike.


Enhancing Fertility: A Mind/Body Perspective

Infertility and the Mind Body Connection

Sex and fertility

Coping With Infertility: A Mind-Body Approach

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