The word "chakra" is derived from the Sanskrit for "turning" or "wheel". Hindu texts and practices are the origin for teachings on chakras. These teachings delve into the universal elements of life, not the least of which is fertility.

The second chakra governs fertility. This chakra, known as the sacral plexus, is found in the lower abdomen below the navel. The sacral chakra is associated with the internal sex organs ovaries and uterus in women, and the testes in men.

The second chakra is actually linked to creativity in general, not just the procreating kind. If you are passionate about art, music, dancing or other forms of expression, this helps to open and stimulate your sacral chakra.

There are said to be seven chakras which correspond to specific glands. The chakras are depicted as wheels located along the spine.

These chakras are said to be sources of power in the body. They regulate the flow of our prana or life energy.

Each chakra rules a specific body area, and particular psychological and emotional aspects. The flow of energy is affected by our physical, emotional and spiritual experiences in our lives.

When we experience well-being, more prana fills the body. When we're under stress, prana leaves the body.

When the chakras are out of balance, unhappiness and disease can be the result. A sense of well-being is believed to result from chakras that are flowing freely and in balance.

The sacral chakra does best when there are sufficient outlets for creativity. And the sacral chakra does best when all chakras are fully functional.

In order to realign the body's energy forces chakras should be cleansed starting with the first or root chakra, and cleansing each one in order to the last or crown chakra.

Settle yourself comfortably, sitting upright with eyes closed. Take a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

Meditation is advised with visualization of each chakra, picturing each one glowing with increasing intensity from an inner light, being cleansed of any impurities or darkness. This visualization should begin through the top of the head, working its way down to the root chakra.

The color associated with the sacral chakra is orange. To boost your sacral chakra, it is recommended that you visualize an orange lotus flower opening its six petals.

Stones associated with the sacral chakra are carnelian, garnet, moonstone and tiger's eye. Essential oils are jasmine, rose, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang.


It's In The Chakras .....

What Is Chakra Cleansing?

An Introduction to Chakra Work

The Color Orange

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