The H1N1 flu, deemed a pandemic in April of 2009 is creating quite a ripple of fear throughout the world. We cannot take pandemics lightly, and at the same time, we should not oversell the “presumed” danger to the public.

The reason I am starting this article here is because fear does bizarre things to our immune system. Exposure to viruses and bacteria challenge our immune system, but fear makes it crazy.

Now look at how you react or respond to fear. If you feared that you were going to lose your job, would you:
A. Become so overwhelmed that:
you think the worst
your body language changes to one of defeat
your actions become one of victimization, or
B. Become so motivated that:
you think proactively
your body language becomes stronger and composed in the direction of creating a new career
your actions reflect that of empowerment

What does this have to do with the flu? How we embrace “challenges” is reflected in our overall health. This flu season is discussed with great concern because of the impending H1N1 exposures which suggests greater health risks and additional vaccines. This puts the flu season under such a microscope that it becomes magnified and unjustly so.
Look at the statistics below from the CDC that reflect influenza from August 30-Oct 17, 2009:

Total Influenza Deaths – 2,416
Swine Flu Deaths – 1,004

The Center for Disease Control website states that about 36,000 Americans die from the flu each year ( This statistic has become commonly accepted and widely reported in the lay and scientific press.

It’s also estimated that a third of the US population is refusing to get the Swine and Regular Flu Vaccine this year. This demonstrates how involved the public is in making decisions for their body. With the news suggesting there have been more injuries and deaths from the vaccine than the flu itself, people begin questioning the best thing to do when facing a fearful event. How you respond/react to fear will be reflected in your decisions about this flu season as well.

Reactions to fear are knee-jerks and automatic. This may give you comfort in your decision either way. Some fear getting the flu to their very core and race to vaccine locations. Some fear the vaccine so deeply that they will risk losing their job in the event that flu vaccine is mandatory to work in health related areas.

Responses to fear are explorations. Many people have stirred discussions regarding the flu vaccines as they are resisting the herd-immunization theory to address the national Public Health Emergency. If the conclusions from health officials aren’t satisfying to them, they are watching and waiting before the final decision of what to do to support their body through this season.

My suggestion is to do all we can to strengthen our immune reactions rather than simply relying on overtaking your immune system with injections/nasal sprays of live or attenuated viruses. History has shown us that when exposed to antigens without suppression, immunity develops – which is why people born before 1950 are encouraged not to get the H1N1 vaccine, as they most likely have developed antibodies to it. When exposed to vaccines, as in the 1918 “Spanish Flu” Epidemic, millions of deaths occurred and those who survived it were those who refused the vaccine. This is not to suggest that you should or should not get the vaccine, it is to encourage you to make an informed decision. The added advantage that we have today, that was not available in 1918 is the use of antibiotics. The secondary infections of the flu (like pneumonia caused by staphylococcus) are appearing to be related to the worst outcomes. Just as I am not opposed to immunizations in appropriate situations (during true epidemics of certain diseases), I am not opposed to using antibiotics when necessary. Overuse and misuse of both is what weakens us as a species.

There are things you can do to support rather than suppress your immune system during high exposure times. This is an honorable way to live regardless of whether you did or did not receive one or both flu vaccines this year.

Things you can do at home

Wet sock therapy when you sleep: You will need light cotton socks and thick cotton or wool socks. Instructions: Moisten a pair of light cotton socks with cold water, wring out well and place in the refrigerator for about 5 minutes. Place on feet. Cover wet socks with dry cotton or wool socks - being sure to cover the entire wet sock with the dry one. Remove in the morning – both pairs of socks should be completely dry. The action of this procedure is to stimulate overall blood flow, relieve congestion of fluids in upper body, due to its circulatory effect. It has a stronger effect if your feet have been in a warm foot bath for at least ten minutes.

Warm bathing with Epsom salt (2 full large bags per bath) and 1 full container of hydrogen peroxide (3%). Soak as long as you can.

Irrigation with salt water both gargling and spitting twice daily and also irrigating nasal passages twice daily. The flu takes 48 hours to adhere to mucous membranes. If you irrigate mucus membranes with salt water, you can prevent illness although you may have been exposed. The Neil Med uses salt and water for nasal irrigation and you can mix 1 tsp into 1 c warm water for mouth gargling.

Drink lots of fluids. With fevers, we lose minerals which contributes to aching pain. Use extra minerals to stay hydrated such as Endura (powder you add to water – 1 scoop in water three times daily), Colloidal Minerals (can be taken straight or diluted in water – 2 capfuls three times daily) or use Recharge or Gatorade. Warm teas are also very soothing.


Immune RX – Beta 1,3/1,6 gluco polysaccharide. Numerous human studies have demonstrated safety and efficacy of Flu Arrest as an immune modulator. Flu Arrest interacts with key immune cells to initiate a cascade of immune activity designed to protect the body against foreign challenges. Research shows this extraction to be superior to mushroom and barley beta glucans. Recommended dosage: Children – 1 capsule twice daily for three days; 1 capsule daily until done: Adults - 1 capsule three times daily for two days; 1 cap twice daily for until done. Same dose for prevention and treatment.

Vitamin D3 – Research demonstrates 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 is an immune modulator and the majority of 63 observational studies in a PubMed database search demonstrated a chemo protective role of vitamin D. High doses used for acute illnesses shortens duration of infection. Recommended Dosage: Daily ongoing dosage is based on labs; a minimum of 5000 IU daily for prevention; for treatment of acute exposure or illness; Children – 5 drops or 1 gel cap daily for 10 days; Adults – 5 drops or 1 gel cap three times daily for 10 days.

Flu Nosode 2009-2010 – Flu Nosode stimulate the body to recognize the flu, provide a level of protection, and assist in the elimination of the flu pathogen naturally. Flu Nosode provides a template to the immune system and the cell walls, thus making an indirect attack on diseases by stimulating the immune system and white blood cell production against flu pathogens. Recommended Dosage: Children and Adults – 1 dropper to water or under tongue 4 times daily until done.
Bronchi 5 Tincture – for those with weakened lung conditions such as asthma or history of frequent pneumonia or multiple antibiotic use. Due to the alcohol in the preparation of the herbs, dilute in warm water or juice. Children and Adults – 1 dropper into water or juice three times daily.

Daily ongoing Immune Support:

GI Protection Plus (1 scoop) + Ultra Potent C (1/2 tsp) + HMF Superpowder (1/2 tsp) mixed together in water daily for children and adults. Infants can use ¼ of dose daily as well.

If exposed to the flu or if you desire strengthening your immune response during greater exposure time, you can open the Immune Rx capsule into the mixture above and put the Flu Nosode directly into mixture as well. This prevents children from having to swallow a capsule or from tasting the alcohol which the Flu Nosode is made with.