If you have been diagnosed with influenza, you may wish to discuss the following five questions with your doctor:

1. Are seasonal flu and influenza the same thing?

Seasonal flu and influenza are the same acute viral infection. However, the term seasonal flu is a broad one. To be specific, there are three variants of the seasonal influenza - Influenzavirus A, Influenzavirus B and Influenzavirus C.
• Influenzavirus A – This virus is carried by wild aquatic birds and at times transmitted to other species such as poultry through which humans get infected. Both replication and mutation are at a very fast rate when a new suitable host is found. The Spanish flu, Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, the current pandemic are all Influenzavirus Type A virus. Thus, this Type A is the most virulent human pathogens among the three influenza types and causes the most severe diseases.
• Influenzavirus B – This virus type mainly infects humans but is not as virulent as the aforementioned Type A. There are no pandemics of this type of influenza due to its limited host range (humans and seals) and slow antigen change.
• Influenzavirus C – This infects humans, pigs, dogs and can cause local epidemics. However, it is rather rare in occurrence.

2. How can I be sure that my influenza is not swine flu?

The symptoms of the 2009 H1N1/swine flu are very similar to seasonal flu. On your own, you will probably not be able to tell the difference. So if you experience flu-like symptoms – especially the overlapping symptoms in both seasonal and swine flu such as sore throat, fever, cough, runny nose, body aches, headache, fatigue and chills, you must get in touch with the doctor. Probably the only minor difference is that swine flu victims also show symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea which is usually not present in the cases of seasonal flu. The hospital will run laboratory tests which alone will determine whether you have seasonal or swine flu and require hospitalization.

3. Can my present symptoms of runny nose, fever and body ache develop into anything else?

The symptoms vary from individual to individual and also depend on the stage of the infection. However, symptoms commonly associated with influenza, besides the ones you mention are experiencing, are:
• Headache
• Watery eyes
• Chills
• Cough
• Sore throat
• Muscle pains
• Fatigue
• General discomfort
• Unrelated gastroenteritis

4. Is my family at risk of contracting my flu?

Yes. Seasonal flu is highly contagious since it is a viral infection.
• The virus can transmit when a contact occurs between an infected person’s nasal and cough secretions, with another person’s eyes, mouth or nasal passage.
• It can also spread to people around you if they touch any surface that is contaminated with the influenza virus such as door knobs, table surfaces, taps, light switches and other porous or non-hardy material, etc.
• Touch is also another factor – the virus is shed by the infected person for a few days into and after the infection and can be transmitted to another person through a handshake, hand to eyes, nose or mouth contact.
• Lastly, seasonal influenza virus travels most through the air route, i.e. if a normal person inhales the aerosols emanated from an infected person through sneeze, spit or cough.

5. What treatment will I be given for my seasonal influenza?

Treatment is given at two levels –
a--To relieve the patient of the symptoms
b--To have the viral spread within the body and it’s effect curtailed and done away with
• Towards symptom relief, doctors usually prescribe paracetamol or ibuprofen or acetaminophen to bring down the fever and reduce bodily discomfort. They may also advise cough suppressants to tackle bouts of coughing and menthol preparations to clear a stuffy nose.
• Towards curtailing the influenza virus, the doctors may prescribe either Neuraminidase inhibitors such as Oseltamivir or Zanamivir preparations or Adamantanes also known as M2 inhibitors such as Amantadine or Rimantadine. Both the groups work on different principles. It is the doctor’s decision depending on your particular case, which s/he considers the best option.
• Oseltamivir and Zanamivir halt the virus spread in the body and also reduce symptoms and complications.
• M2 inhibitors such as Amantadine or Rimantadine preparations are lesser prescribed due to the influenza virus being resistant to these drugs. However, these drugs work by blocking a viral ion channel (M2 protein) and prevent the virus from infecting cells.
• Hospitalization is also recommended for those with suspected dangerous strains of influenza especially if the victim is younger than five years or older than 65 years of age, pregnant, on aspirin therapy, on immunosuppressants or weak immunity, or those with BP, asthma, diabetes mellitus, etc.


Mamta Singh is a published author of the books Migraines for the Informed Woman (Publisher: Rupa & Co.) and the upcoming Rev Up Your Life! (Publisher: Hay House India). She is also a seasoned business, creative and academic writer. She is a certified fitness instructor, personal trainer & sports nutritionist through IFA, Florida USA. Mamta is an NCFE-certified Holistic Health Therapist SAC Dip U.K. She is the lead writer and holds Expert Author status in many well-received health, fitness and nutrition sites. She runs her own popular blogs on migraines in women and holistic health. Mamta holds a double Master's Degree in Commerce and Business. She is a registered practitioner with the UN recognised Art of Living Foundation. Link: http://www.migrainingjenny.wordpress.com and http://www.footstrike.wordpress.com