Anticipation - That is what this whole week has been made of. The day finally comes for chemo and all goes as planned, but then what?

Last night’s sleep was nothing new. 3:30am wake up, and start doing misc items around the house and online until I hear the faint sound of Wes’s alarm. Then it’s time to start making breakfast. By this time it’s time to take the am meds and then try to go back to sleep. At this point I am able to sleep from 6am to about 9:30 or 10am; however the rest of the day is spent filling in the hours of missed sleep by dozing off in the car, chair, or even standing. This morning I was waiting for the nausea to kick in from the chemotherapy yesterday. Each hour that flew by I found myself whirling about the house doing more and more until it was time to leave to get my haircut and run a couple of errands. The entire rest of the afternoon I felt no signs up nausea, just a little fatigue.
By the time we got home my body had enough and as soon as I sat on the couch, I passed out. I didn’t wake back up until hours later..

Overall, I would say this first day after chemo was really successful! I didn’t feel nauseated like I had the first go around and the switch in medications didn’t seem to make a difference either. I had relatively a good amount of energy today considering I had chemo yesterday. I am excited to see what tomorrow brings!