It’s 3:30am and once again can’t sleep. Steve (brother in law) and I went to CTCA last night because I started having horrible stomach pain. We were there until 2 a.m. and then finally came home and got to bed around 3:30 a.m. I was exhausted today, but adrenaline and the thought of all of the things that I needed to get done today kept me going. Steve has been so helpful the past few days with getting me organized and helping to take care of misc items around the house. He has really helped to keep me sane the past week.

I was disappointed today because for the first time in awhile I started having back pain again. It wasn’t to the extreme that it’s been in the past, but definitely enough where I had to take more pain killers than usual. I have been a little more mobile than usual so maybe that had something to do with it. I just hope that it is temporary and doesn’t get worse. If I have back pain then I am assuming that means that it is from the spine mets…not good. I finally had the Erbitux infusion a couple of days ago which has made me feel kind of sick. For some reason I wasn’t on the schedule to get Erbitux the past couple of weeks so this was all new to me. I am supposed to receive the Taxotere chemo once every three weeks and then the Erbitux weekly. I guess CTCA only schedules appointments out on a weekly basis, so I need to really be ontop of the schedulers to make sure that I don’t skip a week of treatment.

Wes and I are no longer together. We were in a relationship for almost 3 years, so it’s very strange not having him around. It’s still pretty new and I am really not sure what to think of the whole situation. I am trying not to think too much about it and just focus on the most important thing…me and getting better.