We all know by now that menopause is a natural period in women’s lives. The monthly cycle will slowly come to an end and with that estrogen levels will decrease as well.

Some of us have severe symptoms from this change, but some have only mild symptoms. By symptoms I mean hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, waking during the night and mood swings and/or irritability. When women need help stabilizing these symptoms, they are usually given estrogen or progestin of some form.

Some women, however; do not prefer this type of treatment. They search for alternatives to the standard hormone treatment (HT). Most importantly, it is very important for you as the patient to talk to your doctor and come up with the best option for you. Your doctor will be glad to discuss the benefits as well as the risks of these alternative treatments.

Now, just what are these so-called alternatives to hormone treatment? First and foremost, no one can top just living a plain ol’ healthy lifestyle. You know, eating a well-balanced diet, exercising, no smoking, moderate alcohol/caffeine intake, as so advised by the Hormone Foundation. Next, why not try breathing exercises and acupuncture? This has reportedly helped many.

Then, there are prescription medications like Gabapentin, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). They are used to reduce the severity of hot flashes. Additionally, although there is no research to confirm this claim, some women say that their hot flashes are improved by using plant-based preparations like black cohosh or phyoestrogens.

For specific ailments such as vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, over-the-counter products (vaginal lubricants and moisturizers) have been successful. Want to preserve those healthy bones? Try 1200-1500 mg of calcium and 1,000 International Units of vitamin D – daily doses. Bisphosphonates are used for this same purpose too. Furthermore, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are used to guard against spine fractures and bone deteriation. This is a medication that acts like estrogen. And finally, for good heart health, statins are used to reduce the levels of fat in the blood.

What about bioidentical hormones? Even though they are called “natural” hormones, according to the Hormone Foundation, they are made in a laboratory. They are called natural because they are very similar to the female hormones. There are two types of bioidentical hormones – pharmaceutical and custom-made products. Pharmaceutical products are compounds that are FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) approved. That means that this medicine has to meet standards in quality, quantity, and safety. While on the other hand, custom-made products are made and mixed per the doctor’s prescription. As a result, the final product varies in strengths and amounts. It is also important to note that in regards to custom-made products, that although some of the mixture compound is approved by the FDA, all of it may not be.

Concerning bioidentical hormones, the general medical opinion is that using pharmaceutical products is safer because of being FDA regulated. It is also important to indicate that research does not reveal bioidentical hormones to be safer or more dangerous than traditional forms. Research does show that all forms of HT have potential risks no matter what form is being used.

Hopefully, this info will give the reader a clearer view of alternatives. However, for more conclusive info, it is best to discuss with your doctor what’s right for you. Your needs are specific to you and should not be decided upon lightly.

Good health to you!

Resources: The Hormone Foundation

Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer that loves a simple life, a complicated story, and a big heart.

Please feel free to check out Dita’s poetry about the great privilege of being a woman at: