Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has long been used by women to offset the symptoms of menopause. Menopause is a time when a woman’s body is adjusting to lower levels of the reproductive hormones including estrogen. Post-menopausal women sometimes use HRT to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which is a weakening of the bones. A new study just released by researchers at Rush University Medical Center shows that HRT may also be important in protecting women from brain aneurysms.

Aneurysms defined
An aneurysm is an abnormal blister or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel. Just like the skin of a balloon gets thinner when it is filled with air, the wall of the blood vessel thins at the location of an aneurysm, forming a weak spot. When an aneurysm forms on a blood vessel in the brain, there are often no symptoms until the aneurysm becomes large, leaks blood, or bursts open. If an aneurysm in the brain bursts, it can cause a severe headache, loss of consciousness, signs of a stroke, and possible death. Those who survive a ruptured aneurysm often experience permanent disabilities.

Aneurysms and estrogen
Researchers at Rush University Medical Center recognized a trend in other brain aneurysm studies showing that 70 percent of brain aneurysms occur in post-menopausal women. The average age of these women was 52 years, which corresponds to the average age when most women experience a sudden drop in estrogen levels as they enter menopause. Further study showed that among women who had aneurysms, those who had used some type of hormone therapy had fewer ruptured aneurysms. This included women who used hormone replacement therapy during pre-menopause and those who used oral contraceptives containing estrogen during their child-bearing years. Those who used oral contraceptives for a longer time seemed to receive higher protection.

Michael Chen, a researcher in the project at Rush University, summed up the conclusions of the study by saying, “...women with brain aneurysms use oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy less frequently than the general population.” The researchers believe normal drops in estrogen that occur during a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle and at menopause may explain why women are more likely to have brain aneurysms than men, and why they are more likely to occur at or after menopause. The scientists hope the results of their study will help provide women who are at higher risk of brain aneurysms appropriate therapy to prevent the aneurysms from forming.

HRT risks
Hormone replacement therapy is a controversial topic in women’s health care. Some studies show serious side effects resulting from HRT. If you are considering hormone replacement therapy in connection with the risk of brain aneurysms or any other symptoms, talk to your doctor to determine whether HRT is the best option for your personal health.

Science Daily
DNA: Daily News & Analysis
The Aneurysms and AVM Foundation
National Institutes of Health: Medline Plus