If this article caught your eye, chances are you've been around for about a half-century of holiday seasons. And chances are you're a veteran of the holiday wars.

But, if menopause is an issue in your life right now -- veteran of life and holiday seasons or not, you may be finding that your body is really shaking up the playing field.

What used to work, may not now. What used to be no big deal could be causing meltdowns or exhaustion. The things you could shrug off in the past might now trigger tears or depression.

Menopause is all about the hormone shifts. Many women associate that with hot flashes.

But there's a lot more going on in this season of your life. Chances are you've been experiencing menopausal effects without knowing where they're coming from.

Putting on weight at the drop of a hat? Eating less than you used to but still spreading out and wondering where it will stop, or if it will stop? This can be a bosom buddy of menopause.

The holiday season may have always prompted some stress and fatigue, but maybe these irritations have grown to overwhelming proportions. Out of nowhere, you may be experiencing anxiety or panic attacks, sometimes for no apparent reason. Heart palpitations may have you nervously wondering about your chance of having a heart attack.

When did you become such a wimp? Well, the good news is, you're not a wimp. The fact of the matter is, you're in good company, along with legions of other middle-aged women.

Memory is spotty, sleep is too. Even a good night sleep doesn't make you feel exactly rested and vibrant.

Okay, you're a big girl. And you can take control of your life. Well, more control, anyway.

Middle-age spread got you down? Cut out the foods that you know aren't right for you. Engage in some exercise, preferably doing something you enjoy. Get those endorphins working for you, lifting your mood while you're at it.

Dreading a tsunami of stress over the holidays? Simplify your life and lower your expectations. Focus on what's really important and let the rest go.

Sit down. Daydream. Laugh.

Put the emphasis on your friends and family rather than impressing them with your hostessing prowess. Let someone else do the baking if it's so important to them.

Forget about the things that would steal your time, your steady heart rate, and your serenity. This holiday season, let yourself actually have a holiday.

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