Perimenopause can begin years before menopause. And both of these states can herald in a myriad of perplexing symptoms. No two women are the same.

"Perimenopause is that (usually several year) time around (just before) the final menses. It is frequently punctuated by the classical symptoms of peri-menopausal/menopause including but not necessarily limited to: Hot flashes/night sweats, poor sleep quality, mood and memory dysfunction, vaginal dryness, heart palpitations, joint stiffness, 'crawly skin', depression, etc."

Is my weight gain from too much cake, or from menopause? I'm tired all the time. Do I need to take vitamins, or is it the change of life? I'm struggling with mood swings. I'm not interested in sex anymore. I'm getting migraines.

Wondering about hormone supplementation? And if so, should it be estrogen or progesterone? Looking for herbal treatments to bring some relief to distressing symptoms?

Lots of questions. And Minnie Pauz brings you some answers with her Midlife F.A.Q. Sheet.