Abortion is something many men deal with, as well as women. While some men may never know their (ex) partner has terminated their child, others do. Some are accepting and even supportive, others are devastated and they generally have little or no recourse.

Except perhaps one very unusual action by the ex-boyfriend of a woman whose pregnancy ended, as well the relationship.

Greg Fultz, a 35-year-old New Mexico man ordered a billboard to be placed in his town that showed a photo of him with the outline of an infant, with the headline "This Would Have Been A Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our Child!" placed on the billboard in large lettering. He and his attorney are fighting removal of the billboard under the constitutional laws of free speech. While Fultz’s lawyer agrees that some of the wording is hateful or offensive, it is still allowed under these laws.

His ex--who did not have an abortion, but a miscarriage, according to a friend-- disagrees and is fighting his right, in order to protect her own right to privacy. The woman’s attorney has stated that her client has not told her how she lost the pregnancy but it wasn’t the point. The point is that a person’s personal life and medical history cannot be invaded and made public.

Fultz’s ex-girlfriend won her order to have the billboard removed but he has stated he will fight the order, using the same Supreme Court decision that allowed the infamous Westboro Baptist Church to picket the funerals of fallen soldiers as well as the funerals of gay men and women.

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What do you think of this case? Do you think fathers of unborn children should have rights when it comes to the decision to have an abortion?

Edited by Alison Stanton