If you’re looking for inspiration to act on a long-standing dream, then look no further, because January 13th is Make Your Dreams Come True Day, challenging you to do something to get closer to goals and dreams.

While the origin of this holiday is unknown, do you suppose it is coincidence that it falls right around the time when most New Year’s resolutions are failing? I submit that the creators of this day knew exactly what they were doing.

In 2006, I made a resolution to be more social. I craved friends, and being new in town, I was starting pretty much from nothing. I enlisted the help of my sister who lives in town and my husband to make my dream come true. My husband and I decided to search for a church we could join. As an adult I had never belonged to a church and wasn’t even sure what that meant, but I was determined to find out. After researching, and trying out a couple, we found one we liked and joined -- we even joined a small group there and became good friends with some of the members.

My sister and I decided to start a second chapter of my women’s group I had previously begun in Phoenix. She called a handful of her close friends and found two who were interested in starting a group. So we got together and mapped out a plan for building a group that met our goals to find friendship, networking and philanthropy opportunities. Now we have roughly 15 who come to our gatherings each month.

Not long after making my resolution I found out I was pregnant. This gave me a wonderful excuse to join some classes. I am happy to report that I am still good friends with a handful of ladies with whom I went through prenatal yoga and water aerobics classes.

My dream was realized that year. So how do you go about making your dreams come true?

Start by making a list of what steps need to be taken to make your dream happen. Be as detailed in the steps as you can to keep you from being too general and not thinking the dream or goal through. What will it take to get it done? Money, school, or help? Document it. Often times, getting started is the hardest part, so in making a list, you are setting the plan to paper (or screen) and giving value to your dream.

Many consultants suggest setting a start date for setting the plan into motion. Also set an end date for when the dream should be realized or at least an attainable milestone to check your progress toward your goal. If you work at something and don’t see progress, you may give up prematurely. Understand that hard work pays off, so you’ve got to stick with it and see obstacles as challenges for developing invaluable experience.

Enlist friends and family to help you where possible. At least share your dream with those who will support you emotionally and be your cheerleaders as you try to get to where you want to be. You may find that someone close to you has a similar dream or goal; you will have found a partner toward making your dream come true. If no one around you understands your desire, then search out local groups in the arena of your interest. The Internet can be a wonderful resource in this regard.

What goals do you have? What’s your dream? What can you do to make your dream come true? Share it with us! There is nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Christine Jeffries is a writer/editor for work and at heart, and lives in a home of testosterone with her husband and two sons. Christine is interested in women’s health and promoting strong women.