For some being depressed means insomnia. But for others the battle is to stay awake. There is nothing more exhausting than the tired feeling that often accompanies depression. But sometimes talking with a therapist or taking an SSRI isn’t enough. It’s great to lighten the load or get into a better mood, but if constant fatigue or sleepiness persists you might want to ask your psychiatrist about supplementing the SSRI with an amphetamine.

I’m sure many who read this will have a tizzy but for people who know what it’s like to fall asleep at the dentist or doctor’s waiting room, the park, the movies, or while visiting family, the amphetamines are a Godsend. These are not the Black Beauties or Eskatrols of the 60’s & 70’s, these medications are stimulants (like coffee but much stronger) that work with the central nervous system to promote alertness and clarity all day.

Dexedrine, Ritalin and Adderall are stimulants that are prescribed for symptoms of ADHD, but when used in conjunction with anti-depressants they can be just the right adjunct to get you where you want to be. Life shouldn’t feel like carrying rocks up a hill.

Today’s woman has a lot on her plate and for most that doesn’t include napping.

Amphetamines can be habit forming for those with addictive personalities and that’s something you should discuss with a reputable psychiatrist.