Stress: An Introduction

Our bodies deal with stress in many different ways. Whenever we are faced with challenges, pressures and demands in life our bodies respond, readying us to take on those circumstances. This is commonly referred to as the “fight-or-flight” response.

The fight-or-flight response is fuelled by the release of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol into the blood stream. These stress hormones increase the heart and breathing rate, blood pressure and the rate at which our body uses nutrients and food we’ve eaten. It also opens blood vessels further to allow more blood to reach large muscle groups.

And these are just a few of the things that happens when our bodies are trying to deal with stress.

The stressor -- the event that triggers the fight-or-flight response -- isn’t always something really obvious, and an individual’s response is always the same as someone else’s. However, regardless of what and how we’re reacting to, studies have shown a direct link between ongoing, long-term stressful events and conditions like heart disease, ulcers and decreased immune function.

How to Deal with Stress Tips

Most any doctor will tell you that it is important to learn how to deal with stress and, since no two people deal with stress the same way, it is also important for each person to find their own method of combination of methods to relieve stress.

The Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, lists 101 ways to cope with stressful situations, including:

1) Get up 15 minutes earlier
2) Get everything needed for the morning ready the night before
3) Write things down (don’t rely on your memory)
4) Say “no” more often
5) Avoid negative people
6) Repair anything that doesn’t work properly
7) If one problem is too big to solve, solve a smaller problem first
8) Smile
9) Strive for excellence NOT perfection
10) Remember that stress is an attitude
11) Remember that you always have options
12) Stop trying to fix other people
13) Talk less and listen more
14) Take each day one at a time
15) Surround yourself with supportive people, places and things

More Tips to Deal with Stress

The American Heart Association recommends the following four ways to deal with stress:

1) Positive self-talk. Similar to the above where “stress is an attitude,” we need to learn to talk positively about ourselves. “I’ll do the best I can,” instead of “I can’t do this.” “I know how to deal with this. I’ve done it before,” instead of “I hate it when this happens.” Thinking and talking positively to ourselves helps relieve stress and helps us focus on what our options are and what we need to do to handle a stressful situation.

2) On-the-Spot Emergency Stress Stoppers
a. Count to 10 before you respond
b. Take three to five deep breaths (in through the nose, out through the mouth)
c. Don’t be afraid to walk away and say, “Give me a few minutes and we’ll come back to this.”
d. Take a walk
e. There’s nothing wrong with saying, “I’m sorry”, if you’ve made a mistake.

3) Seek out pleasurable, relaxing situations such as:
a. Reading a book
b. Playing a sport
c. Listening to music
d. Watching an old favorite movie
e. Gettin out with friends and family
f. Getting involved with a hobby, new or old

4) Daily relaxation routine, which could include relaxing music, deep breathing exercises and progressive relaxation, and should last between 5 and 10 minutes a day.


Stress. Web. Dec 29, 2011.

101 Ways to Cope with Stress. Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Web. Dec 29, 2011.

Four Ways to Deal with Stress. American Heart Association. Web. Dec 29, 2011.

Reviewed December 29, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith