In the United States, child abuse is reported every 10 seconds, according to Childhelp. Several types of child abuse exist: sexual abuse, physical abuse and child neglect. Each of these types of child abuse can be damaging to the child, both physically and psychologically.

Child sexual abuse can include another person touching the child in a sexual manner, showing the child pornography, or engaging in oral sex or sexual intercourse with the child. MedlinePlus noted that with child sexual abuse, men are usually abusers and they often know the child. If a child is a victim of physical abuse, she will have visible injuries. Examples of possible injuries include a black eye, human bite marks, wounds around the neck from choking, burns, unexplained broken bones and unusual bruises, according to MedlinePlus. With child neglect, the child's caretaker intentionally denies the child of something she needs. This can include medical care, food, shelter and clothing. MedlinePlus adds that child neglect, or psychological abuse, can also include not providing the child with a safe environment, exposing the child to violence, and reckless disregard for the child.

Survivors of child abuse are at risk for different psychological conditions. With a traumatic experience, which child abuse is, survivors may develop a type of anxiety condition called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Child abuse survivors with PTSD can re-experience their trauma, such as through flashbacks, in which they feel like they are living through the abuse again.

Other psychological disorders may occur. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, the researchers found that children who have been sexual abused have an increased risk of schizophrenia when they get older, a psychological condition in which patients have hallucinations and delusions. Reuters Health reported that when the study looked at the rates of the psychological disorder in people who had been sexually abused before the age of 16 and those who had never been abused, they found that 1.9 percent of abuse victims developed schizophrenia compared to 0.7 percent of people in the general population. In women who are survivors of either child sexual abuse or child physical abuse, they have an increased risk of alcohol problems, according to a study published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. HealthDay News reported that the study included nearly 3,700 women who participated in the 2005 U.S. National Alcohol Survey. The researchers found that abuse survivors had a larger risk of alcohol dependence, drinking that posed a risk to their health and consumption of four or more drinks a day.

The findings of these studies emphasize the need for psychological support of child abuse survivors.