One of my favorite stress reduction techniques is to reduce clutter. Sometimes it’s my desk, other times the garage or a closet.

Last weekend I was clearing off my workbench and getting into some corners that I hadn’t been into in a very long time. I came upon a small jar of “NoseKote,” which was some goop that I used to protect my nose from the sun on a trip to Tahiti in 1974. That’s right… 1974. Thirty-six years ago!

I couldn’t resist, and I opened it to see how it had survived the ages. The smell wafted out and I was instantly back on the beach in Tahiti. I could almost smell the ocean, hear the waves, and I could feel in my soul the sensation of being there in that time and place. What a rush: it was startling.

It occurred to me that we must all have scents that will take us back on a journey, enabling us to truly visit our past. Maybe you are too young, but do you remember the smell of a freshly mimeographed test in school, and how we used to sniff the papers as they were handed out? (Uh-oh, I’m dating myself here…) If you could find that chemical today, its scent would take you right back to that classroom. Maybe school tests aren’t a place you want to go, but stay with me here.

The point is this: to reduce the stress of caregiving or dealing with an illness (or any other type of stress), find a scent that reminds you of better days and make a point of enjoying it. Just for those few moments your worries will melt away.

Here are some ideas: suntan lotion, insect repellent, the burning coals of a barbecue, roasted marshmallows, burning logs in a fireplace, even incense or a room freshener. Do you miss a loved one who is travelling or deployed? If it won’t make you sad or miss them more, try some of the lotions, perfumes, deodorants, or colognes that they wear. I lost my mom 11 years ago, but I can still bring her back with the scent of a bottle of her favorite body wash.

Did you take bubble baths when you were a child? Get some Mr. Bubble (it’s still available) and have another one tonight. (Baths have their own soothing benefits, even without the bubbles… but that’s another article.) What kind of gum did you chew when you were younger? Take a whiff.

What do you have around the house that will serve this purpose?

Tahiti, anyone?

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