"Hannah," you’re saying, "how can you possibly relate women’s health to kindergarten?"

I know it’s a slight shift from my usual column, but working with kids this summer has reminded me not only how fantastic a schedule with built in snack and nap time is, but also how widely applicable the kindergarten curriculum is to adult life – particularly to women’s health! So bear with me, and consider whether a trip back to elementary school is exactly what your mind and body need.

My next articles will explore some of the lessons emphasized in kindergarten; things we once held as universal truths but tend to forget as we age – much to the detriment of our mental, social and physical health. Think of this as Robert Fulghum’s book “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” with a women’s health motif.

Lesson #1: I Am Special

In the summer school program I work for, we practice counting, standing in line and writing letters, among other technical and social skill sets students are supposed to develop before kindergarten begins in September. However, the number one priority of the program is to truly instill a sense of self-confidence in all students, to show them they are capable of learning and accomplishing fantastic things, as long as they try.

Thus, the entire first week of our program was dedicated to thinking about all the ways each of us is special--something the average woman rarely/never spends time doing. For some reason, the adult world (especially females) has built a stigma around celebrating or voicing the accomplishments, positive traits and experiences we take pride in. At the risk of sounding conceited, we fend off compliments or focus on negatives, refusing to acknowledge the unique and fantastic qualities that each one of us has, the remarkable peculiarities that make us all special in our own way.

For example, how many times have you said to a friend – “you look great in that shirt” only to have them raise an eyebrow incredulously and retort – “can’t you see how fat my butt looks?!” Mainstream American culture has trained us to mentally diminish our own positive attributes, somehow mandating that along with the development of academic critical thinking skills, we also develop skills in self-criticism.

When is the last time you looked in the mirror and said to yourself: “I am special”? Never? I certainly hadn’t until my eager, honest, totally egocentric students reminded me that as simple as the phrase sounds, self-appreciation and self-confidence are the first steps to success.

So take a second and think: what makes you special? Your career? Your long eyelashes? Your talent for sniffing out bargains? Your musical taste? Your [insert creative mannerism here]? Whatever it is, remind yourself why you are amazing. It is one small but crucial step towards a healthy you at any age.