Dr. Svetlana Kogan offers some alternative approaches for the treatment of migraines. Migraines are a common plague. Each person's history is unique, so there is no one method for treatment of migraines.

Dr. Kogan likes to use herbs and homeopathic supplements for the prevention of migraines. Better to keep them from happening at all than to deal with one that's already painful. There are numerous alternative approaches, from magnesium to guided imagery and self-hypnosis administration.

Dr. Kogan:
We do have a lot of migraine patients, and we have a lot of different alternative approaches to offer them. A lot depends on the person’s history and on the way their migraine is expressing itself. Feverfew is a very helpful herb in approaching migraine on a daily level. It’s very easy to take. It can be taken either as a pill or as a liquid extract, and it’s something that is used preventively, not just to treat the migraines but to prevent them from occurring.

Another very popular homeopathic supplement we use is called a MigraSpray. It’s ubiquitously available. It’s something that’s administered in tiny little homeopathic amounts and is readily absorbable. It’s a sublingual spray used for both treatment and prevention of migraines.

We use magnesium supplements for prevention and treatment of migraines. We use hypnosis techniques and something called auto-training, self-hypnosis administration, and guided imagery.

About Dr. Svetlana Kogan, M.D.:
Dr. Svetlana Kogan, M.D., is the Founder of Doctors at Trump Place (DTP). She is board certified in internal medicine and graduated from Cornell University. She is also a member of the American Medical Association, the American Anti-Aging Academy, and a clinical researcher and patient advocate. Dr. Kogan is affiliated with Lenox Hill Hospital.

Visit Dr. Kogan at http://www.dtpdoctors.com/about.html
